środa, 10 marca 2010

About Girls

This, as you might think no. You do not know. Well it is you say. * All the girls are swindlers! This is not a przesłyszałeś, and although there are exceptions. Probably ask, why? Perhaps some evidence? (as is always the Smuggler says) Well, please, once in place I would like to inform you that the text is intended only and exclusively for men (aged 15-18) and the aim is not slander the women who have a love John, but illustrative show them how it is they say selflessness. If you continue to read this woman let him give up, because I will have it bad. * Applies to most of the girls to the age of 20.
Karen Carpenter
The first thing is the price you must pay for a guy who is a woman. Everyone knows that she is a bottomless well. Wants nothing but money, money, cash and cash again. If you do not have it L is leaving, claiming that the school and stuff bzdety. Truth is one - found themselves richer, or wyczaiła that cash you ends. Certainly ask: But why leave now? After all, before she was well with me. Think about it. What do you do when arranging a new girlfriend as known? Simple enough. Shower, clean clothes, clean teeth, and, and, again, and safe - a lot of money. So what going. Namely, a girl can not show that it is there, and more importantly CAN NOT be something to put them on a first date (as it only gets used to you complain). I have a proven system. You go to the pub with my girlfriend, it pays for itself and for you (Forgot cash). There is no choice.Maria Callas If he wants to meet you, let him pay. You can be indignant. What she has to pay for a conversation with me. Oh no - it's impossible. And now odwróćmy cat's tail. And we have to pay for a conversation with her. Something is probably wrong. How do we have to pay it so they do not. So the best way is this: first, it pays you, and so then in a circle. How to you do not go away it means that it is the exception, and then do not let her escape.

The second thing. You can tell (male of course - assuming that they are read only), it is worth to us.Carol Burnett A woman sees that you have cash you invite her to the movies, go for a few beers, and for that she will give you some kisses, will allow you to touch up or even something more. What reminds you this behavior? My only one (and a girl here without injuries, which continue to read, and should not J) behave so nicely by saying "public women". Yes, I know that I have already deleted, but take heed to. Who do you pay for the pleasure of the flesh. After all by itself (gratuitously) that would not do so. I know it hurts, but it is the truth, and contrary to appearances, I do not blame them for that. Women are so constructed (physically and mentally) that each of us can use as they want. Perhaps a lot of guys with me did not agree, but what you would you do in their place. I'd wanted to I bought everything, give cash, of which I gave them the reward your body. They just do.Louise Brooks

The third thing is a disco. Why do they go there. Easy to use JbezinteresownieJ again boyfriend. They say: "Let's go to the tornado on Friday, Let's play", and what you really think "a long time i have no bought and already bored me. Maybe he find someone better. " And again, you might ask how would such a thought, he would have gone there alone. And I ask you to.

1. And who will pay for entrance, changing rooms and shuttle service? (Depends on place 30 - 40 zł)
Fanny Brice
2. And who buys beer, very expensive in those pubs (from 4-8 zł per 0.5 l)

They can not afford it, so here you go fool with it there, you pay for everything licks with her a little, and she marries którymś along with others, and so you see it. But every stick has two ends, unless a slingshot and a woman at a later age start to think differently. Suddenly he begins to count up to her completely something else - the nature and similar things. And here everyone can say, what if the above considerations. The answer is simple. This girl lives in the adult lit (18-20), and sees the world differently. Becomes adult and reaches to the fact that as such will continue to do that nobody will want. Is in some poor, ugly guy regretting his actions and praying about it, so he's such a number is not twisted. Yeah, so cruel, but true. What does all this in the application - you ask? Very simple: It pays to engage in the affairs of heart, as long as you and your partner will never enter the age of maturity.Clara Bow

That's all I have to say about the aging of girls and there little appeal to them because I do not believe that, although one can not read. Think about what you are doing. Man, this is not some silly toy or object with which you can do what you please. He also has feelings and is a man. Really Think deeply on this.

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