How did your adventure with Action Magus? : One fine day my brother put on the desk CD-Action, accompanied him to the plate. I was sick, bored me (yes this is where all the interesting read books from home bookcases) przeglądnęłam game demos and so I took to unpack corners - one of them was twenty-one No AM. I think most people went on a similar way to that shrine promiscuity and lust;)
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: It is difficult to me to choose one author ... I really like the lyrics Eddie Red_like_dragona, Woowarda, BrightWitch, sad Wanderer, Donald, Union ... but since I have to choose someone, let it be Phnom - the great texts for Nicholas and a cap that is the uncle of my unborn child;)Tammy Wynette
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Honestly? Not: P My favorite corners hold up pretty well and I hope that this good fortune will last remains.
The Future of AM (ideas): What could be more variety to PM rather than written texts "from the heart" by good writers and the corners kept at a high level:)
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Damn ... I do not remember:)
Your favorite author in the history of Action Maga is: too many to mention;)
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : ...
The Future of AM (ideas): jaaaaasne, naked woman on the cover (launched a now, not what;)
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : The first issue of PM fired rather out of curiosity, but I was not then what to do. Since the bonus disc included in the CDA's check - with the corners, is also tempted to just unpack AM. In addition, the board finally CDA is something - which is common with games - not much, let's say. A text, or corners, which deviate from the topic of computers are simply brilliant. And even if we pay attention to the climate which prevails in that magu. Simply - Qn `ik once came up with the idea to do such a thing, and his idea - simply burned out.Oprah Winfrey
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: Difficult question, I will not say. I will not write here, who is the best etc.. Simply write all well, and some even great. What I can say is that one of the best songwriters the Military, of which the most commonly found in the corners. She was even once a person (awfully long had a nickname), and began at A and ended the N. Most of you know of someone talking about: P.
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Probably not. All good ideas have been pursued, so ...
The Future of AM (ideas): The only thing I did this selection of texts. Hmmm ... it would be fun to read the text ONLY outstanding. A reject good, but it is rather unrealistic, and I do not know whether this is a good idea:).
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Most likely a mixture of boredom and curiosity, sprinkled with mysterious smuggler entreaties to 'read but primarily to create Action Mag Cover-CD'. Not very exciting story, no?
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: Stupid question! I have no najsuperhipermegazajebistoulubionego author - there are many, which I like very different reasons. I have calculated ...? I do not want, I'm tired. I know - talk about this, about which most will tell me - UnionJack. Warmth and optimism hektolitrami hopper to his articles, there is no lack of humor, and even told me and even some few important issues (niemilcy rzekliby: pierdołach:) is up and so nice to hear. Well said wise things - even very much. Although there is no 100% concordance between my view and the same gentleman, but that's nothing. Unioni so on, but let him not worry about Slavik, RED, Falk, Axel or Archwimil - not only described their laziness. I know I'm a pig. Well, whatever. Nevermind.Dinah Washington
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Provided for educational purposes ... no:)
The Future of AM (ideas): He he, first change the layout syfiasty:) And secondly zastanowiłbym taking over what is done about a year ago NoName - that is, moving the magazine to the Internet is 100%, or On-Line. In this way we could publish faster arty and open up to people who do not wish to download, and only then read the PM. But as I understand it, it really would be a lot of work. For this, as my memory is not mistaken, the religion was a very 'rajcowny' in the AM - so an attempt could create a corner or Religioznawczy cus in this pattern. Perhaps Jack Frost poplimkiwał Cosik imply that he was willing k'rednaczowaniu temuż project. But as I stress - the test.
Dionne Warwick
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Innate curiosity, inquisitiveness and tenacity tudziez a few other features are not necessarily positive. Once there, do not let in any Cover-CD with CDA and each przetrząsałem the first byte to almost last. And in one month I found Action Maga. That's all.
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: Rainman, he was convincing, vivid, warm, and his colorful lyrics, smelling the rain, refreshing as the wind and the bright cheerful glow, which they fought.
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Difficult question. There was only one scene, and zrechotałem by her as never in any later release of any corner. Who remembers what it was - him playing a flute "And all of this ..." at the next congress. The contest may not participate Qn `k nor the person who informed as to what it was this unique corner.
The Future of AM (ideas): How Smuggler once said, some things are arranged the same if you do not mind them, and possibly a little help. Action a little help by writing to the Wizards. I do.
Ghallerian (Sad Wanderer)
Gwen Verdon
What prompted you to read the PM: What prompted me? Wet spartea over his head and cry my father: How to read this will not lash! Learn to read tępaku because once you are handy! ;) And so I learned to read ... I read on the occasion of PM ... This was probably the # 5;). And so seriously that I wanted to see what this is about the PM so much my friend says ... So I read and read over two years and finally I wrote the first Articles ... That was around # 30 .. So I read two years before they dared to write:)
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: Hmmmm ... hard to say (But this hackneyed phrase ...)) But I would not mention specific individuals because, as someone who does not mention this to offend;) Eye ... This is most offended: D Best: Vene, Caleb, Donald, Eric Mis, Pasibrzuch, Novinha, nZorka ... And my najulubieńsza writer is ... Morphia ... Unfortunately, I can only read the Article, because they do not have the AM:) what I would write once in mejlu: "I always like the first time I view the PM (a new) is looking for texts Kataszy, Novinhy, nZorki, Vene, Faramir, Grandfather Frost , Publ, your ... " :) Why the price? But because they write very well ... if you explain something? Just reading them makes me pleasure artów ... and as you can see not just me:)Lily Tomlin
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Well, of course ... Periodical poetic ... why? Because it is the only corner in which they impart ... ;)
And yet "stories" and "Books" ... I have a fondness for them ... I like to remember how years ago I read these corners:)
The Future of AM (ideas): Paper ... but so far it niewykonywalne;) What else? AM is already so rich in various "trinkets" that probably do not have the power to change it ... But as usual, over time something changes:)
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : It would be nice to write that heard the story of the great zine, and I decided to see how these stories are to reality ... Unfortunately, it was not so. To read the first issue of PM led me boredom. CDA reviewed the plate, checking to see what I installed and have not yet landed on something strange zwącego the "Action Mag. Then I remembered something that my friend mentioned about this. I decided to check. I unpacked the drive, read and read until today .. Some time later I decided to write to one of podkącików and it was also my day;)Big Mama Thornton
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: There are many people who appreciate you for the lyrics. But three in particular. One of them is Gregorius - my former rednacz. When he wrote still RPG Chamber could see in his texts that he knows what said. This is one of the things that I appreciate. You can not write about something you do not know. Knowing the lyrics to this RPG more likely read the text from AM. I admit without beatings that I have not read all but one of those that I managed to grow in my memory were taken primarily two texts. The text of the "ants" and honorary donations. He wrote the lyrics based on personal experience and therefore were "true". Another person is or rather was, because today the PM will not find it anymore, = red HAMter = True to read the texts only to RPG Chamber, but it's enough for me. = rH = write with passion. With passion, how many are missing. In addition, he tried to refine her skills. This made more and better texts. Let's say it was my award. Now it's time for the first place. In Vene it takes me. You may ask why? Just read some of her texts. They have some magic in itself. I can not walk away from the monitor does not read the text to its end. Always, after reading some of the work I'm beginning to wonder if what she wrote really happened, or is entirely invented. In the texts I lose myself completely.Shirley Temple
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Yes. It was a corner - IRC Corner. But I must disappoint its creators. Nay, this corner does not miss. Not even browsed it further. So why mention it? Just days after the appearance of this corner of the times my przesiadywania on IRC. IRC Corner just reminds me of those wonderful days when GG was not and had to have even minimal knowledge of information technology, if you wanted to talk to someone through netu (especially someone like me benefit from Irca under unix:)). Those were beautiful times ...
The Future of AM (ideas) I would see the development of Action We Maga, the evolution of the letter with his own disc, or on a disc to the letter. To this was possible, however, requires a lot of publicity and good will of people on whom depends the existence of AM, and publishing. You could also add a question to the monthly newspaper, which everyone should answer at least two sentences. That was so common an article which pokazywałby the similarities and differences in thinking and the people who make up a PM.
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Curiosity, what is this the Action Mag, praised by the smuggler, and an inborn habit of viewing everything that is new.
Your favorite author in the history of Action Maga is: I do not have a favorite writer ... but if it takes ... Qn `k-a? Qn'ik so it is my favorite writer. Only writes editorials, but they are really good editorials.Meryl Streep
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Nooo ... All my favorites have survived, including my Linkowiskiem:), games, music and movies. Hmm ... What if I no longer think this course Qbasic-and it would be good to be reborn - the same command at once of course.
The Future of AM (ideas): What if I became a magician Action E-zinem online? Would be selected for the best texts
Gordon Freeman
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : It was a long time ago ... So frankly do not remember it too well ... I need a moment to think and remember =) This probably will CURIOSITY. AM I found myself, I found it on the board in bonuses and just out of curiosity, unpacked it to your hard drive. Then wypakowywałem AM and other things I forgot. I remembered about it a few days later, while cleaning Hadek, and only then fired AM. The next few hours I sat with eyes wlepionymi at the monitor and read. I read and read the text behind the text, corner for corner ... I liked. Very. I read and reviewed the various other zines before, but nothing even similar to AM ... I loved it (maybe not immediately, but gradually and slowly with each new number). I wanted to read another article, that the very interesting book which has long should I give to the library, pochłonił me fairly quickly, I did not know when. By AM redeemed subscription CDA broadly. Rozpakowywuje AM It's always the first to drive. I read almost all the texts. Some I like, some not, some I play, some bring a deep state of meditation ... And just for the love Action Mag'a - because it is about everything and nothing, about life ... Even the one day I decided to become an active creator of AM, I wrote a dozen artów, but quickly realized that I was not that good, that reading is easier than writing, and crouched in the Games Corner.Barbara Stanwyck
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: If the ONLY one to choose not to answer this question. I do not have one of the most favorite - is because many of them. Some people have written long ago and I do not write (and damage), others continue to write, and is also a lot of "new blood" who also write great. But I will try to mention but a few ksywek:
ARCHWIMILIMIŁOPOTOPOCZERPACZKIWICZANIN - Do you need something more to write about? His lyrics are simply the best. Affected the entire PM, changed him. As I had a bad mood and nothing could console me, enough that run a number of senior AM and I found it by some text ... Heh, this may sound strange, but I miss the Archie in AM. Without it, it is no longer the same AM. But what - such a life ...
Pasibrzuch - Not all the texts I liked, not all are consenting, but some of them were very good, interesting, give food for thought.
Eric Bear - He is just good writing. No matter what - as important. This seemed to be his motto - just able to write arta oz seemingly trivial and unimportant things, but in a way that read this with pleasure ...
Qn'ik - Yes, he wrote a nice, browse the old numbers, PM, just a pity that now manages AM'em
Eddie - as above:)
7-small-7 - Do not tell, not all of his lyrics were the best, but some very liked me and I remember them today ....
Slavik - Hmmm ... As simple and understandable arty life?
UnionJack - Just for professionalism whatever it took to mean ...
A guest - just like his lyrics;]
Bessie Smith
And many others have, without justification, but nieznaczy, less important (the order according to the phases of the moon;)): Donald, Caleb, Axel (Prubaj Hoolaynoga), Vene, Publo, Phnom Penh, SLY, and the weight other ksywek comes to mind. .. Too many to mention them (and would be only a few:)). We simply do not have a favorite - or otherwise - everyone is my favorite =)
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Hmmm, that was once a bizarre absurd Zone, but the more longingly for Food Corner, moreover, that a certain killer reaktywowuje so do not cry now;). ZONE GSM can ^ _ ^? (it is Gordon reaktywowuje: P)
The Future of AM (ideas): A paper version - paid, of course, czypiendziesiąt per page, enter your ad, pass only the texts speak of the good sides of the world, the text does not fit into the new imagu AM print, attach a number to each type of gadget CD with Ark Noah and the Christmas tree stand - that is, in one word - "ukomercić 'it! (unless commercialized: P) commerce after RLZ! ;) And so seriously - that any sensible ideas I have not - well, maybe in addition to AM just keep lasted and lasted - and change - they are there all the time but did not perceive ...
Beverly Sills
Hellmut Loppers
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Hmm ... First of all, is probably boredom. It was just a boring day around the holidays, 2003, miserable weather, Deus Ex has already finished one year in a row, the fifth part of Harry Potter had to wait until January next year (as I'll post it probably will be longer this year .. . yes, I like Harry Potter), all read, viewed, completed ... I began to bury the kompaktach with CD-Action. I look - ActionMag ... for those who like to read and write is not necessarily about games. Soon found himself on the drive (it was, if I remember correctly, PM 37 - fairly recently ... how did it happen that so long noticed AM!?). I turned, and in turn look what is there. I began to read lyrics. Since that time, as the CDA did not buy the fetching of new numbers from the netu AM.
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: If you can name just one, then mention Doorshlaqa. He writes good lyrics, there is no shortage of irony in them (and even some of her dripping), is similar to my view of the world (see, for example, "The Golden Polish youth" from AM 39). After his texts can be seen that guy is smart, except that the text easy for me to read. It is often the case that when I listen to music while I read something, you just lose the thread, I do not read the text just looking letters, and after a short while beginning to be aware of this issue. By contrast, the text reads to me Doorshlaqa easy and pleasant, regardless of whether they listen to Tool, Slipknot, or soundtrack to "hunt for Red October" (I recommend all three). They are well written ... and what a lot of talk here? About Doorshlaqu and his texts are probably all. And if I could even mention someone is Archwimilimiłopotopoczerpaczkiwiczanina (admit that you do not write this pseudo-memory, I found it in the AM and copied:)). People like me like such a trendy texts! And of course I have: P. But so seriously, that I myself did not mention ... I wrote a little artów, even a few of these texts appeared in the AM, but when I look at it with hindsight, I'm not too proud of these creations. I'm definitely not a great writer. Moreover, not much like his own person - and that's because I know well:). I'm lazy, sometimes my head gets something stupid, I have too little willpower (I need to learn Dinah Shore... and stick with that, yet the program guides), I'm addicted to kompa ... on the plus I can probably only name that does not Obzera (60 kg cheek after the holidays - it's put on weight ... and is, still less: I visit cheeky) and do not listen to techno or some dicho (no offense, if you do this listen), just metal, rock, and sometimes something else, such as the aforementioned soundtrack to "hunt for Red October". Oh, and of course forgot to add that I have a poor memory ... Well, even I managed to forget that I mentioned a favorite writer, and not "nieulubionego": P.
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Yes. I am not a multi-reader AM. Of course, when I started reading it, I sought the elders and poprzeglądałem numbers, but mostly I read the text. Corners rather read only the current PM. While this may make up? In another boring, rainy day ...
The Future of AM (ideas): Hmmm ... Hmmmmm ... Hmmmmmmmm ... Hm! It's hard to answer that question. Because in the end what is not in AM? These texts, guns, where literally anyone can try their hand and may even see your articles in this section, if you try. These thematic corners where everyone can find something for everyone. Redaction Action is where everyone can send an email with a question or problem or anything, which it considers important and relevant to AM. Is the Helping Hand, which helps you meet other people, buy / sell the game or something else, find help with a difficult or embarrassing game hardware. Is in neutral so you can be good laugh. Some interesting ideas ... probably the only thing that comes to mind is an increase volume of AM), and this certainly has often been written. Redaction Action may increase, but to do that he needed someone with the time and willingness to respond to all these emails, which certainly comes a lot ...
Susan Sarandon
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Well, are you Easter 2001, I attended the high school class. The second festival (called Lany Monday) I visited my cousin Wundżuna (you may know him, he shall from time to time in the AM). One element of this visit was sitting at the computer and the monitor lamp. At one point, a little bored now that the act Wundżuna I asked: "What you have interesting on your computer?" A Wundżun said: "You know, last on plates attached to the CD - I found a nice mage Action." "Yes? Then show it. "- And suggested several seconds later, the first time in my life I saw Action Maga. I immediately liked it. On the one hand, young people are debating about important and serious matters, on the other hand some writers who write totalitarian stupidity. And for dessert, passionate discussions with the Bears Pasibrzucha Eryk. It was something! No wonder that a few months later, having some free time (just because I passed the matriculation), wanted to shape the PM.Roseanne Barr
Your favorite author in the history of Action is a Mage: "Oh, here I have a dilemma. I always, in all kinds of rankings, I have problems with this wytypowaniem \ the most. In the case of the writers I have two favorite AM (sadly both no longer provide the AM). The first one is Pasibrzuch. His arty were always carefully 'eyes; "and simply well-written. His unpopular opinions but have led at some point began Pasibrzuch battle vs. the rest of the world, which meant that reading of the PM was extremely engaging. What is important Pasibrzuch was not standing in this fight in an unfavorable position. My second favorite is none other than himself Archwimilimiłopotopoczerpaczkiwiczanin. This guy is a true symbol of AM, and some expressions of his artów (czypięćdziesiąt) permanently passed to the history of our magician.Joan Rivers
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Hmmm, and will again be a problem. The Action Magus because I have no contact from the beginning of its existence, so I do not know too much of its corners (and even more of these old, which no longer exists). From the archives as - somehow I know guns only "texts" (I will add for clarity that it was a former "Texty"). And in that one section is missing me. I lack this, so what AM I fell in love, or enchanted (ależ determination), which is great, endless discussions and polemics. Aha, a little too little appears recently texts funny (and a man wants a good laugh from time to time).Gilda Radner
The Future of AM (ideas): Oh, who invented the difficult questions? I know that sounds like a laurka, but PM is just a great store that I really do not know what would make it even better. No but on the other hand is never so good that there could be even better. Action Maga make his readers so they certainly will be more of these readers that our dear magician will be interesting. Wartoby may therefore try to ask that the PM had the most readers (because the more readers, and therefore also the writers, the more likely that someone will write a brilliant arta). People from the PM (ie all of us) could, for example, develop some flyers about the existence of such phenomena as the AM and they hang flyers on bulletin boards in high schools, in secondary schools, colleges (or have another idea: let's start to walk home - like the followers of a faith), and proclaim to all: "Good morning to the state. We came to the country to preach the good news of Action Magu "(I hope these words do not hurt the followers of that faith)). What would have improved here in the AM? Certainly the fact that the PM out of the slide is not too positive, but at this point probably not much we can do. Oh, one more thing: in AM stworzyłbym well as better climate for the controversy (I wrote about this issue in response to one of the above questions).
Leontyne Price
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Stupidity:). In the first issue of the CDA, which I bought was just an article about ActionMagu. So I thought it looked.
Your favorite author in the history of the Mage Action: Novinha. Why? Just read the texts speak for themselves, this is my favorite style. It is a pity that so quickly gone, and that contact with her I stopped ...
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? Yes, karaoke fans of Texas Chainsaw rozróby mechanical tudziez rozróby the German bar using a Swiss knife.
The Future of AM (ideas): How do I say something that Maciek and so say that this is impossible, so do not say anything;].
Mariusz Saint
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : The first issue I read in the holiday 2002. Before that I was aware of the Amage me and wondering what he has to say who, at the end of a beautiful, sunny day, I sat down to a computer (like every day indeed:) and read EVERYTHING, each Article. Then I promised myself that never again do not read everything at once, because I went three days confused (more than usual), behold, the text of amusement and / or mocking mingle with real dramas, a company with descriptions of injustice in the style of someone who wp *** lil, and anyone who does not. However, a few (10:) I sent e-mails from authors in response to arty, even got some response (6;) and cool box was found in something more than advertising. I liked it, I must admit:) I sent their own texts, they went to the right place and this is already gone:)
Your favorite author in the history of the Action Mage: Ah - it is hard to me to someone only one point favorite - a few people write well, to some people artów peek out of curiosity, but a favorite, I do not have a specific author.
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Hehe - tear me in the eye rotates in response to the corner, which is present in AM (and holding firmly, I must admit:) is the stories, or more precisely the numbers, which I did not consist, only Rainman:) Nostalgia such ...Mary Pickford
The Future of AM (ideas): Hell, no - Amage formula as a very varied "hydeparku" is not burned, and IMHO it is not likely as long as people will have something to
say, and willing to describe. Idea for a variety Amage I do not have, outside of padding their bricks for construction, of course, what also urge all readers:)
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : Advertising in telewizorni previously seen billboards, and of the logo airships flying over the city PM ...
Your favorite author in the history of Action Maga is: I liked Eric and Pasibrzucha - as one person. Their quarrels could not exist without either of them.
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Is there a corner that is not ...? Hmm ... Here you can pofilozować, but you will forgive
The Future of AM (ideas): Sure. I, for example (not kidding) I would go rozreklamował, such as CDA (well what, in the end as if the uncle, right? Hehe), or delivered on paper. But I know, I know - you can not.
How did your adventure with Action Magus? : A Divine Force, which in some circles called a curiosity. ;-P
Your favorite author in the history of Action Maga is: I think if I had to bet on if only one author, I have huge problems with the answer. I appreciate any writer, because everybody has its own unique personality. Is not important whether I agree with the views of the writer, because no one (seeing people in our circle) is not fallible. Important in this case is that the author characterized as the ability to transfer his faithful twisted thoughts on paper, so. I mean the "lightness of the pen." My favorites in this area are (resp. were), not taking into account the sequence of Del, Donald, Union Jack, A Guest, Axel, Pasibrzuch. However, it is best to read the legacy of my friend said as the first, due to a generous dose of the element pikantności. :)Dolly Parton
Is there a corner, who once appeared in the AM and now you no him? : Is this one corner. His name is: Zone 51 Yes ... Although also present in moments of not missing it in Action Magu, sorry for the old, old climate zones, when I was an ordinary reader of the ... oh ...
The Future of AM (ideas): The best ideas come uninvited themselves, not as a result of lively exploration of new solutions. If I would have come up with something, then my suggestion is rather exotic idea: I thought about becoming independent from the CDA Action Maga. You could spend our warehouse on one CD, of course, much of the increased volume (with regard to this particular corners). Then-chief, having eg 20 MB (what a possibility!), Is complaining about lack of space. This would allow for greater development, greater professionalism.
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